Arduino for TextMate

October 20th, 2007 § Comments Off on Arduino for TextMate § permalink

I’ve been playing with the Arduino Microcontroller for quite some time. It is a fantastic open source hardware project which really opens up the world of Microcontrollers to people all over the world. The developers on the project have included a development environment written in Java. I’m a huge fan of TextMate. I decided to write a plugin for TextMate which allows you to:

  • choose the microcontroller architecture – Atmega 8, Atmega 168, and the Make Controller (forthcoming).
  • Compile and upload to the Microcontroller
  • Show a Serial Monitor using the OSX terminal


UPDATE: This has been modified for the current release

Install the Arduino 0010 release from

download: Microcontroller.tmplugin

unzip it to ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Plugins.


When you build from TextMate, you need to do a few things differently. First, include wprogram.h, and add a main loop. Here’s the template:

#include <WProgram.h>
void setup()
void loop()
int main()
	while (1)
	return 0;

About the binary

I’d consider this a .1 release; It hasn’t been well tested. Because of this, there will be bugs.

Future Enhancements

  • User specified makefile (something that gets included into the build process instead of manually walking the tree).
  • Make controller support.
  • Hot Keys for building
  • Don’t leak so much


If you’d like to send feedback or request features, send them to louie at ooeygui.

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